Have you ever thought about what you are doing? Have you ever thought about why you are doing the things you do? Are you where you want to be?
You are exactly where you are supposed to be, and you put yourself there! This is hard a thing for most people to accept, but it is true. Your thoughts, your feelings, and more importantly your actions dictate where you have been, where you are, and more importantly where YOU are GOING!
People have a hard time accepting this fact…
But… if you can accept that your thoughts and actions have put you where you are and that they will dictate where you are going, you will be able to design the life you want!
When you blame everything outside and do not accept responsibility for your actions you give your power away, you cannot serve your highest purpose and your actions will keep you right where you are. If you blame everything outside you let outside forces run your life! Think about it for a minute.
If you accept that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that you put yourself there then you will have the power to make the change necessary to live the life you deserve. It is all about growth and change. To live a better life we must grow, we must change, we must become what it is we want (I hope your thinking of being something positive).
Now, there are circumstances that our out of our control, someone gets a disease, or something terrible happens. This does happen and it is not the persons fault, there are forces in life that are just out of our control.
I have been thinking about this with some people that are close to me and seeing all the things going on in the world.
As I look at some of the people close to me, their actions do not align with a higher purpose, with helping them to create the life they want. They get bad results but there results align with their thought and actions.
Then when the results are not good or are not what they want they get upset. But… you cannot expect to reap the rewards without doing the work or especially by not doing the right thing!
It just won’t happen…
The results are a direct link of your thoughts and actions!
So, how do we change it and get the life we desire?
The first step is to look at yourself and evaluate who you are, what you think and what actions you are taking. Listen… if you hang around with drug dealers odds are you are or will be at some point! At best you will end up getting in trouble and then you wonder why! But the real question is why invite the trouble?
As you evaluate your thoughts and actions look for the things you do that do not help you serve your highest purpose. If your thoughts and/or actions do not align with your highest purpose then choose something different! This can be difficult but it can be done. Always choose to live your highest purpose! The repetitive positive choice eventually will build long term habits!
Surround yourself with good people that embody the thoughts and display the actions of the person you want to become. Have you ever heard the phrase you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with? Well that’s a bit understated as our sphere of influence is much bigger but the concept is what is important. Spend time with negative people and odds our you will be negative, spend time with positive people and odds are you will become more positive.
Get yourself a coach or an accountability partner or at least get a close friend or family member who will help you, and be open and honest to hold you accountable! A good coach or accountability partner will be able to ask the hard questions, keep you on track and be able to help you realize your highest purpose!
Take the time and think about what you are doing… Does it serve your highest purpose or are your thought and actions leading you to failure? What can you change? What are you willing to do? What is your highest purpose? What were you born to do?
Once you have answered those questions you can then choose actions that will help to serve your highest purpose and change your life!
Go, write down your answers, and then look at it every day over and over. Choose to live the life you deserve and make sure your actions align with your higher purpose!
One of your best blogs yet! Thanks for your thought provoking article.