What do you want more, a great job or a better life?

Since I was a kid I’ve heard you can have a great job or you can have a great life? Have you heard that too? It seems no matter what there is a trade off, like its on the old scales you see when someone is weighing justice!!! If one side is up then the other is down, so what’s the deal?!?!?!

I don’t believe for one minute the work/life balance is a scale, or can or should be measured in that way! Who made this rule and further why do we believe this lie that is told to us? In life most of us have to work and most of us want a better life. I want you to take a moment and realize that YOU are in charge of BOTH! Yes, you can have both!

Ask yourself what are you willing to do to obtain the job you want that allows you to have the life you want? What changes do you need to make and how far will you go? Since most of us spend so much time at work its important to understand that the better the work the more fulfilled in life you will feel. Set your aspirations high, set smart goals, work hard, enjoy your success and you will be able to obtain the life you want!

The key to a better life is simple, follow the same path! Set your aspiration high, set smart goals, work hard, and enjoy your success. Take the time you deserve for yourself! Pick up a hobby, or pastime you enjoy and do it! Don’t let anyone tell you any different, that you shouldn’t, or cant! I personally have many things I enjoy doing, I love time with my kids, my family, working out, fixing cars, and rock climbing! The better you feel the more driven you will be to find better work that in turn helps you create a better life. Its a self fulfilling prophecy.

It is important to realize that you need time for yourself, time to unwind, and the ability to relax.

Take some time to separate your work and personal life. See how they work together and support each other but need to be separated for your overall mental health.

Find some constructive hobbies in your spare time and go for it! Pick a hobby you have always wanted to do and don’t let anything stop you! Think of the job that will be fulfilling, rewarding, and support your life goals and do whatever it takes to get it!

The work life balance is up to you and you can have both every day!