As I write this I can honestly say I am a little tired but so far happy with where I have been and where I am planning to go! I am down 4 pounds, which does not seem like much, but more importantly I can see the change. My legs have bulked up and are sore… my waist and belly are going down.

I just completed week two and so far this has been a bit difficult. The running isn’t bad although some mornings I have to admit it is hard to get motivated. I typically run two to four miles in the mornings before work and then when the weekends hit I have tried to push hard and do 7 plus miles at time.

After 2 weeks I have managed to run a total of 60 miles!

So far, I can say I am not a runner however I have committed to getting it done and working towards a goal that is pretty big for me.

I hope that in sharing some of the things I have learned and have had reinforced through this short time that it will help you to rekindle things in your life and remind you that anything is possible if you truly want it! Here are some of the things I have learned and things that have been reinforced through the short time in this journey.

It is going to be tough, physically tough but even more mentally tough. Getting up and getting it done, coming home after work and hitting it again some days. I find it is very easy to try and convince yourself I can just do it tomorrow. It is just an excuse but we are really quite good at talking ourselves out of things we do not like, that make us hurt, or suffer. This is the time to keep pushing and realize you really want it. This is when your why will come into play and keep you motivated!

Change is slow. In today’s world we like and have become accustomed to instant gratification, from ordering almost anything online and a delivery next day to getting instant info from our phones anywhere in the world! We are conditioned to expect instant change and the gratification that comes with that change. Change is a slow process and it takes time to get to where you want to go!

Through these first couple of weeks I have been reminded that it takes time, but if you are patient and persistent you will see glimpses of success. I notice my body changing, my mile times getting a little faster my breathing a little less strained!

Anyone can do it and anything else for that matter if they truly want to. A couple of weeks ago I would have maybe mentioned I should run instead of walk, do something more, work harder, but running… In life there will be things that are hard, that seem almost impossible but you can accomplish them and achieve success if you are willing to go the distance. Most people fail before they start because they do not believe in themselves so they never start. You start small and push and push and push until there is no other option but success in whatever you choose to pursue.

You can find part 1 of my journey here and in a couple of weeks I will post a part 3.

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