Winding road

I am always looking for growth in my life. This is human nature, the pursuit for change, for something different, for something more grand than what we see before us now. We are always striving for more, for a positive change in our lives. I know I am no different, I always want to be more full, have a bigger heart, a better mind, be at more peace, have a better job, help more people, it’s just who I am. I would guess, if you stop and think about it you will find that deep down you desire the same thing. To be a better version of yourself tomorrow!

Make the choice to change, and keep reading for your chance to win Free books!

So what is the best way to get more, to be more, to have and maintain growth in your life, to make a lasting change in your life? It is personal growth, if you want to change all you have to do is make a decision and change yourself! Change in your life starts when you decide to change! It sounds simple but if it were easy, then everyone would be changing themselves rapidly and we would all be living amazing lives. So… why aren’t we?

Most of the time is because we are unfocused and not dedicated to lasting change. It is easier to be where you are now than to make the change. It is easier to continue to be “YOU” than to figure out how not to be you! But, if you stop and think about it, really think about it, you will realize that everyone is the same, we all have the same 24 hours, the same potential in front of us, it is nothing more than a decision to change, and to become better version of yourself than you are today.

If you want to change yourself I am going to tell you, you probably need some help! I know I am always looking for help! Think about it, when you were a little kid learning something didn’t you need help, help to understand it, help to learn it, just a little support and guidance? Not someone to do it for you but someone to give you a good path to follow? We all need it, why reinvent the wheel and take on the struggle alone when you can get solid advice from someone who has already achieved success?

The people we admire, we look at and say “they are so successful”, have always been growth minded individuals. They are the ones who always study, who work day and night, learning and growing, and I’m inclined to tell you they know something you don’t. It’s not that they are smarter or more gifted, its that they work on themselves daily. They spend the time and effort to change themselves, they put in the work and get it done!

Did you know that the average CEO reads 50 books a year? Go figure, 50 books a year! YES, 50! Now I don’t know about you but I know making 5, 10, or 50 million a year sounds good to me! So, what have I done? I read every day, I make the time and do the work, and I make a 6 figure salary on cruise control. I know if I read 50 books a year then I will have that same trait, will gaining the knowledge that most CEO’s have, and will be even closer to being like some of the people I aspire to be like. It not just CEO’s either, think of the spiritual leaders in the world, they all read non stop, they learn, they grow, and in doing so they become more wise, more enlightened, and help more and more people in the world.

It’s important to know that you can read any book, learn something, and have growth by reading it, however if you want to make a change you should read autobiographies of people that have made amazing change in the world, or books on self growth and inner change. Remember, to change all you need to do is change yourself. Choose to make a change, choose growth, and you will be on the right path to making yourself and your world a better place.

Here’s where I want to help you. I have spent time reading and researching books that have inspired some of the greatest people in our world, the leaders, the change agents, the greats, the best of the best. I have read some of books that they have read, and studied books that have helped inspire them to go on to do great things. In my quest to change the world and help people do better in their lives I am going to give away some of the books that I have read, the books that have helped to change and shape my life, titles like: Extreme Ownership, The 10X Rule, The Alchemist, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, and many more! Check them out and many more here! These are the books that some of the greats in the world have read and used to inspire growth and change, the books that have helped them to achieve greatness!

Its time to ask yourself a question. What do I want in my life? Do you want change, do you want growth, do you want to be better tomorrow, do you want to have a better more fulfilling life tomorrow?

If you do then I ask you what are you willing to do to get there? Are you willing to put in the work and effort for the betterment of yourself? Will you do what’s right for you and work to make the life you deserve?

Invest in yourself, work hard, find your growth, and I guarantee you that you will be more tomorrow than you are today!

Sign up for your chance to win free books, books that the some of the highest achievers have used to make lasting changes in their lives! The only thing you have to loose is the chance to MAKE A LASTING CHANGE in YOUR LIFE!

Click here to see some of the books that the greats have read and have made a lasting change in my life. These are the books that have helped me to get a 6 figure salary, helped me to be considered exceptional at what I do! Take a chance, find one you want and make the change you deserve!