This last week has shown me just how whatever you truly believe and work towards will come your way. I know my gift my purpose and what I am here to do. Not my regular life, not my kids, or friends, not my fun, but my purpose, what I was put here to do. I was put here to help people, help them make a new life for themselves, help them change, help them grow, help them become the best version of themselves possible.
I believe that is what we are all here for, to make connections, to help each other, to lift each other up when the times get hard. It is our purpose as a human being on this earth, to help each other and make the world an amazing place for all to live.
I have been reflecting on ways to make a positive change and be a positive force in peoples lives. This is the purpose of my site, my Facebook page, and my Instagram page, to make a positive difference in other peoples lives. I want nothing more than to help people, see the change in each individual and the world as a whole. We are here to connect, to share, to love, to inspire, and unite the world, together with a bigger and better purpose than any one of us can do alone.
The world is disconnected, people are disconnected, we are so close to each other yet so far away. We sit next to each other but don’t know each other. We are in the same house but don’s speak. It is not what we are supposed to do.
As I think of all the problems in this world, the division, the anger, the disconnect it becomes so clear that I need to reach out, to connect, to bring people together, that we all need to come together, to help each other, to love each other! There is so much negativity all around us, dividing us, the news, the radio, its everywhere and we accept it. But we shouldn’t, we shouldn’t settle for anything less than making a positive change in each others lives.
This week as I thought about my purpose of helping people and how I want to change the world, not for me, but for you and everyone. I want it to be amazing, and know that when I am done in this life that if I have done one thing, it will be that I have made a positive change in peoples lives. Ask yourself, and deep down I know this is what you want, what we all want, to leave the world better than it was when we came into it.
As I focus on what I am going to do with my time it becomes clear. I will connect people to places that can make a change in everyone’s lives, and hopefully as you read this you will realize that you too can help change someones life, you too can make a difference. I will write to inspire and let the amazing people that read help me make a positive change.
All I ask is that you push this everywhere, through the entire world, and through the amazing hearts and souls of the people of this world we can help change it and make it more beautiful than it was when we started.
Let me tell you a story about giving, a story that happened this last week. As I focus on helping people, the world gives me back exactly what I put out. Last Monday I walked out of my house at five am, I had parked up the street which never happens, and I had a young woman come up to me asking for help.
She had been out all night, it was cold, she had no shoes, no purse, no phone, no jacket, and a top clearly made for going out to a club.
She was upset, couldn’t get a hold of anyone, crying, and she had been out trying to get help with no luck.
I gave her a jacket, offered her socks and shoes, and let her use my phone. She called the people who’s number she remembered but no answer. I stayed with her for a bit talking and trying to make her feel better. She got sad again and began to cry as I told her I had to go into my house to get ready but that I would check on her in few.
I told her to have faith and that I promised that it would be okay if she had faith. No sooner did I walk away did a friend she had called, called me back on my phone and said they would be there in a few minutes to pick her up.
It was a sign a affirmation that I am here to help people, a confirmation that shows me this is my purpose. The universe had me park where I never park, had this young lady there at that day, at that time, had me leave me headphones in my car, had me walk instead of lifting, and had me there right when she needed it. I love it, to be able to help, and I’ll I hope for is that that young lady remembers, has a positive change in her life, and in turn creates a positive change in others.
Then Wednesday comes around and at day job I had someone contact me about going to a meeting I wasn’t really planning on going to. I had the feeling that I needed to go and decided that I needed to. I have met this woman on occasion at work but we don’t cross paths often at all. She is a professional contact and not someone I would have ever expected to share personal life details with.
On the way back from the meeting she told me she has been going through a lot in life and that she felt the need to talk to me. We talked for a bit, it was great to talk about change, helping, her life, spirituality, our purpose, and to be able to support her and give her my gift of friendship, coaching, helping, and faith. We were both amazed at how she felt she needed to talk to me and how I felt compelled to go so we could talk.
It is my purpose, to help, to create change, to make a difference, no matter how small or big. I want to see the world change, I want to make peoples lives better, I want to leave this earth having helped change it for the better, for everyone!
The question is do you want to make a difference, do you want to see life and the world change around you? Will you take the jump with me, spread the word, like, share, give, and spread this message everywhere? Will you help to make this huge, will you help to be a part of something that is bigger than any one of us could do alone or even imagine?
You now know my purpose, so it’s time to ask yourself what is your purpose? When you find it, it will be undeniable, it will be like a fire deep down inside of you! It may seem impossible, it may be difficult, it may seem impossible, but you owe it to yourself and the world to know your purpose and to follow it. When you know your purpose, believe it, and live it, the universe will give it back to you ten fold.
Knowing and following your purpose will fulfill your heart and soul. It will help you be happy with yourself and create positivity all around you. It will attract what you need, the people and things; the things that you truly wish and deserve.
Help me fulfill my purpose, like, share, and give! Spread this everywhere and change the world for the better!
Below is a like to a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish foundation. They give 76.4 % of all money directly back to the community! Help me make a change in people lives, and together we can change the world for the better. Please like, share, and spread this everywhere to help me make a change in our world. Help me to fulfill my purpose of helping to make a positive change in others lives!