As I write this I can truly say I am amazed, not surprised just truly amazed! Do you know what the law of attraction is? Have you ever heard of it?
The law of attraction states that everything you put out comes back to you. What ever you think you can manifest, and that higher power in life will give back to you. If you think negative you will receive negative, if you think positive you will receive positive, if you have gratitude for life, life will reward you with the same back, the world, spirit, God, karma, what ever you call it, that higher power will make sure whatever you put out you get back.
It is important to continually remember about the law of attraction, choose a mindset that is positive, and one that is what we truly want in life. It is important to constantly be living in gratitude, abundance, wealth, spiritual wholeness, and kindness.
What ever we truly believe in our hearts and minds will become in life. If you don’t believe me try it, deep down you know you believe it, your mind may not want you to believe it, your friends and family may not want you to believe it, but if you are willing to believe it in the face of the odds you will find out that it is true. Life will give you back exactly what you put out to it, and what you believe in your heart and mind.
I wrote this to tell you about the last two weeks in my life! Small things, yet truly amazing, the power of the law of attraction. It is true that you can attract whatever you want in your life, if you believe it and actively work for it. It has been happening all my life, but in the last few weeks it has been coming so consistently to me it is amazing and I feel the need to share.
Lately, I have been spending a lot of time working on inner growth and reflection. I spend time every day reflecting, meditating, practicing gratitude, and living in harmony with the world around me. I take the time to breathe, relax, and try and be one with my surroundings.
So the other day (a Friday) as I was on my 5:00 am morning walk, that I often do, and listening to positive/motivational speeches. I was thinking of the law of attraction and practicing gratitude, to help manifest things in my mind, body, and soul; wholeness, greater prosperity, and better relationships.
I was walking being truly grateful for everything in life and then it hit me… I was suddenly struck by the urge, no the necessity, to go to church. This feeling was overwhelming, it was an instant feeling that touched me to my core, the kind of feeling that you can’t shake, it was a clear picture in my mind that I needed to go. It would be two weeks later that I would go.
While this may see like no big deal you should know that while I did go to church on occasion when I was much younger I was not raised to be religious. In my adult life I have only been to church a handful of times, mostly for things like baptisms or weddings.
I was down right amazed, what are the odds that I would have the feeling as I am using the law of attraction, trusting the universe to give me what I need, and then have the need to go to church?
Two weeks later I had committed that I was going to church on Sunday, and that Saturday night I had an amazing dream. I woke up Sunday immediately after my dream, with a clear picture of what needed to happen, like it had already happened. I had had a dream about marketing my site, my info, and it taking off, reaching more people, and being able to help change peoples lives. I woke up so happy and grateful knowing exactly what I needed to do. I was so excited that in the first minute of waking up I felt I needed to write it down. Then I figured that I would trust in the law of attraction and the universe would deliver so long as I made sure to align myself with the picture and truly believed it.
I went for my morning walk on Sunday while practicing gratitude, and believing that everything will come if I work for it and trust that the universe will give me back whatever I put out to it. I was so excited and happy as I usually am in the morning and throughout the day.
At five pm that Sunday I went to church. The sermon was about how God loves everyone, sinners, those who have not found him, those that don’t come to church, those that don’t believe. It was about how everyone is special, loved, and has a special place in life, and how you can find amazing things in life even if you are not practicing a faith. It was a great sermon and I left still feeling gratitude and trusting in the law of attraction.
I got home around six thirty pm, started working on my site, checking emails, and all sorts of things related to trying to help people win at life. Then it came, an email from Facebook for advertising my site, they were going to give me free money so I can market my site. That is the law of attraction at work.
I thought about it, believed it, lived by it, held the emotions related to it and it came right back to me. That’s how some of you came to my site. It is a higher place that helps us have what we want but we have to truly practice the law of attraction!
I can tell you this works, it always works if you believe it, if you live it, and you practice it! It continues to happen.
That same Sunday morning I was walking as I usually do, thinking about how grateful I am for the wealth I have in my life. No sooner did I really get in the zone and was really, really, feeling grateful. I stopped, dead in my tracks. Right in front of me was a penny. You may think its only a penny, and that could be true, but what are the odds that I happened to walk exactly where I did, in the street, while its dark, and happened to stop right when I got into the zone and find exactly what I was thinking of? Now I often find money when I walk; why? You tell me!
Just to drive it home, Google just gave me one hundred dollars to advertise as well!!!
This happens consistently, the more I believe, and put my heart and soul into something the more it continues to come to me by the law of attraction.
If you take the time daily and commit to repeat it consistently over time you will be able to reprogram your thoughts, and that will help you to attract what you have now programmed into your mind.
Here is a quick guide to making the law of attraction work for you. Now, take some time and find a quite place where you can focus and visualize your future.
First close your eyes, get quite, and block out the external noise. Now get a picture of what you want in your life based on your goals you set for your life. Try and visualize what it looks like when you have reached your goal. See the image of what it looks like when you reach your goal, and then you need to link the image with a positive feeling.
Let me give you an example: Lets say my goal is to better my business, as I do the work I may visualize me writing more, helping more people, talking with more people, speaking at various venues, having more freedom in my life, having more time. Then as I see those pictures I will think of the positive feelings that are linked with those actions. So now, as I see myself helping more people and talking with more people I feel happy, fulfilled, and gracious. Truly let the feelings flow through your whole body. Over time your mind will change, you will make new connections inside your brain, then and only then will it be changed. Understand that your mind does not know the difference between things that actually happen and things that you think.
Now, think about a time when you needed to do something that was difficult. You had not done it already but yet I bet you were thinking of all the things that could go wrong despite the fact that they hadn’t even happened yet. I bet your had a bit of anxiety, and stress, yet it hadn’t even happened yet! The law of attraction helped to manifest the negativity into your body, and if you continually have those negative thoughts you will see that negativity will come back to you.
Hopefully this helps you understand that this can take place but know that it takes time. Habits and paradigms take a long time to break! Take the time every day and I promise that in a while, if you truly believe, you can have anything you want. The universe will give you back exactly what you put out to it.
Here is great video on this subject on YouTube from “Be Inspired” featuring Mel Robbins.
Here is a great book you can pick up that can help you, give you in-depth detail, and has helped show me how to use the law of attraction. It is great for inner reflection and will set you on your way to changing yourself from the inside out!
And here’s a second book that is all about the law of attraction. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is more focused on money and who doesn’t want to get more money! It is a great read and could change your life like you couldn’t imagine. Just think of how your life could change with a small investment of time and money! If you knew this book could make you hundreds would you pick it up? What about thousands? Or, even millions?
So, I ask you, if the law of attraction exists and that higher power gives you back whatever you put out to it, what are you putting out to it? Are you putting out all the positive things you want? Or, are you putting out the negative? Which one do you want?
Believe in the law of attraction, practice gratitude, have faith, work hard, be better every day, love yourself and your life, and keep winning at life!
Best article yet! Definitely thought provoking.
Yes I have aand I have lived it for 50 years now.