So where did my motivation go? How did it get lost? More importantly how do I get it back and then how do I keep it?

Do you struggle with motivation? Do you ever feel like everything is going against you?

Motivation can either make or break you. It will give you drive and passion, and can be like a fire from inside that makes all barriers seem small and can make any wall crumble. What happens when the fire dies out, when the relentless drive subsides, and your motivation becomes fleeting?

Like a dying ember it can be rekindled and the fire can be lit bigger and better than ever! As your motivation starts to grow you will find tasks become easier, walls fall, and most obstacles seem to be beneath you. You will find yourself believing you can accomplish anything, anytime, anywhere.

Use your motivation to help you to set lofty goals and find a way to achieve them at all costs.

Have you ever watched sports, or talked with someone that is achieving their dreams. Have you ever thought about their motivation. You can see it in their eyes, the drive, the passion, that relentless fire! They have it in everything they do! That’s why they are achieving their dreams or are the best at what they do. That is why setbacks are never failures. They become stepping stones on the path to greatness. Their motivation fuels the drive to win at all costs. Their motivation allows them to preserver under extreme conditions and even when the odds are stacked against them.

Use your motivation as a tool to achieve great things. Find your motivation, let it light the fire inside and it will guide you to where ever you want to go.

What is your motivation?

Maybe it is your family or friends. Maybe its just that you want to win, day in day out.  Or that you want to prove your self worth to someone else or even to yourself. Maybe there is more than one reason, but the point is still the same. Finding what motivates you is critical to winning at life as it will be the fire, the passion, the reason you push hard, harder than YOU ever thought possible.

Losing motivation…

What happens when you lose motivation? How do you get it back? How do you get back in the game?

We all lose motivation at times. Its how we recognize and react to the realization that we have lost motivation that’s makes the difference. Loss of motivation can sometimes be hard to recognize, it may be as simple as not being pleased with the results your getting or as big as not wanting to do anything most of the day. It may manifest as a lack of drive to do anything, while you sit at home sulking about how tough life is.

Now, if you recognize you are struggling with finding your motivation take a moment and decide to do something about it! Remember you are in charge, you deserve to win, and to do that you need to take action to increase your motivation. Take some time, make the commitment to yourself to find and strengthen your motivation.

Let your motivation fill you and be your fire to accomplish amazing things in life. Let you motivation guide you to winning at life!